Where are we?

There are quite a few tracking sites available online.  They overlay your position and route on a google earth map.  We submit our positions to quite a few.  Google Blogs now only allows https: iframes.  Some of the trackers are now incompatible and only 3 of these trackers are now working as frames on this page.  Skipr.net, Winlink, and MarineTraffic.  There is no fix except to wait for the other trackers to update there servers to provide https:// pages.  Sorry.

We started out using YOTREPS by Pangolin since they were the only game in town but they kept losing positions and had us sailing across land.  

It has proved to be so unreliable that I have now replaced it with VENTUREFARTHER, a very versatile Position Reporting site.

WINLINK is for Amateur Radio users (us) and is a very good site.  They store all previous history and don't lose any position reports.

SHIPTRAK.ORG repackages the Winlink positions and has a nice display and is a nice backup.

Sorry, Shiptrack doesn't serve https: Please use the above link

YACHTTRACK.ORG  also repackages Winlink positions but has a nice interface and mapping graphics.

Sorry, Yachttrack doesn't serve https: Please use the above link

Another site, FARKWAR , was designed to be easier to use than Yotreps and Winlink.  With this site, anyone who signs up (this means our friends) can have emails sent to them when we update our position. 

Sorry, Farkwar doesn't serve https:  Please use the above link.

All of the above trackers are updated via an email message with your position in it.  This is very helpful when you have radio email but no internet access in remote locations.

There is another site, SKIPR.NET,  that we have also just started using that was designed by an Aussie so most of the boats are around the Western Pacific.  This tracker has to be updated using a browser and needs internet access.  We'll see how that goes.

If you are lucky and we are within range of an AIS shore station, you can actually get real-time positions from our onboard AIS transmitter from MARINETRAFFIC.COM.

So for now, we are updating 4 sites with our location.  It's kind of tedious and redundant but important for staying in touch.

So next time we receive an email asking 'Where are you guys", I'll know you're not reading our blog.  

G'day Mates.

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