I thought that once you set a
pressure regulator to a certain position, the corresponding pressure would stay
constant. Turns out that's not the case.
If you turn off the air and reapply it, the pressure will be completely
Gauges are accurate,
regulators are imprecise. Every time you
reapply air to a regulator, it needs to be adjusted on the gauge to provide the
pressure that you need.
If you change the regulator
input pressure, the output also changes, not much but it doesn't stay constant. That doesn't seem too regulated to me. I need very exact pressures to the pressure
pots to provide a constant, measurable, flow of materials to the spray
gun. Plus or minus 10% is not good
enough. My solution was to regulate the
regulators. I regulate the air coming
out of the compressor to 40 psi. This is
then regulated to 20 psi at the tank with another regulator. and then a 3rd and final stage is the only regulator that I
have to actually adjust provides the pressure to the tanks. This 3 stage regulation works very well and
the pressure stays right where I need it, plus or minus 1%.
From the picture on the
right, when the outlet pressure equals the spring pressure on the diaphragm, the poppet valve closes. It won't open again until the outlet pressure drops
somewhere below the spring pressure. This will
cause fluctuations in the output pressure every time the poppet valve opens and closes.
Regulators are also not very
accurate in the extremes. Either very
low of very high pressures don't allow the internal spring tension to work in a
very linear manner.
To solve both of these
problems, I put a calibrated orifice on the tank. Basically I drilled a hole in a fitting. This always leaks air at a constant rate and
keeps the poppet valve always slightly open and makes the spring tension operate more in
the middle of it's range. This would be a stupid idea if I was trying to regulate the pressure of something like Propane, but it is just air and so what if it leaks.
The bottom line is that you must adjust the regulator pressure to read on the gauge exactly what you want every time you set up the system. Trust the gauge, not the regulator.
Dave Deakyne
David Deakyne
David J. Deakyne
Dave Deakyne
Dave Deakyne
David Deakyne
David J. Deakyne
Dave Deakyne